Key Aggregation Functions in power BI

Aggregation functions calculate a scalar value (e.g., count, sum, average, minimum, or maximum) for rows in a column or table based on an expression. These functions are essential for summarizing and analyzing data.

Key Functions and Their Descriptions:

  • APPROXIMATEDISTINCTCOUNT: Estimates the count of unique values in a column.

  • AVERAGE / AVERAGEA / AVERAGEX: Calculate the arithmetic mean of numbers in a column or over an expression.

  • COUNT / COUNTA / COUNTX / COUNTAX: Count rows with non-blank values or evaluate expressions across tables.

  • COUNTBLANK: Counts blank cells in a column.

  • COUNTROWS: Counts total rows in a table or an expression-defined table.

  • DISTINCTCOUNT / DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK: Count distinct values in a column, with or without blanks.

  • MAX / MAXA / MAXX: Find the largest value in a column or from evaluating an expression across rows.

  • MIN / MINA / MINX: Identify the smallest value in a column or expression, including logical and text-represented numbers.

  • PRODUCT / PRODUCTX: Compute the product of numbers in a column or an expression across rows.

  • SUM / SUMX: Calculate the total of numbers in a column or the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.

These functions enable efficient data aggregation, essential for data analysis and reporting.


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